manifestation energy 5D authenticity alignment quantum awakening frequency

meet the writer…


I’m Jaclyn.

I am the owner of Sage and Sapphire, creator of the Quantum Alignment course and author of Align.

I LOVE teaching concepts related to energy, alignment & bending realities. My passion is to help clients create realities that are authentic, aligned & abundant.

Prior to creating Sage & Sapphire, I was a pediatric nurse in emergency medicine & surgery center since 2011, with a BSN in nursing and minor in psychology. I am certified in vinyasa RYT-200 yoga and reiki level 2. Life has had it’s twists and turns, but I’ve kept the faith that as long as I follow my heart, I’d be led to where I need to be. This space feels like the exact place my intuition has been guiding me to.

I currently live on the east coast of the US with my husband, 2 young daughters and Bernese mountain dog, River.

I have a deep love for all things cosmic and outer-worldly. The recent book that I wrote, Align, is a channeled piece from Pleiadian energy. I have always been drawn to this star system and collective, and this book is a product of my connection with them.

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There was a period of time in my life where I felt out of place and misaligned with who I was, on a soul level. Until the day I looked in the mirror and took my power back. Through Sage and Sapphire, I want to help you apply to your life the parts of my journey that helped me find alignment.

I want to help you use your intuition to uncover soul-level clarity and access your full potential to create a reality that you will thrive in.

Slowly. Purposefully. Step by step.